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Cape Town Scouts

Cape Town Scouts Logo

Meeting times

Cubs: 16:30 - 18:00
Scout: 18:15 - 20:15



Our Scout Hall is located in Homestead Park (Heritage Park), Upper Orange Street (click here for a map). The photos below show the old Bell Tower in the park. The Scout Hall is the Barn of the original Van Breda Homestead dating possibly from 1731 or earlier as the farm was started in 1719. SCOUTS South Africa is privileged to be able to hold the lease to such an important historic building.



What we do

Not every child or youth likes the same thing. Our award winning programmes and projects provide a wide range of activities for them to choose from. A number of challenges contribute to their growth and advancement through the Scouting programmes and others are specifically designed to appeal to their interests.

Cubs (age 7-10) learn new skills, play games, complete creative crafts, enjoy fun camps and community projects. Along their journey they make new friends and acquire a number of badges.

Scouts (age 11-17) includes a wide range of activities such as hiking, camping, abseiling, swimming, survival skills, first aid or even flying! Scouting is an awesome and creative way to have fun, meet new people and active outdoors while exploring the world around you!

Rovers (age 18-30) get the opportunity to indulge in their love for the outdoors while being of service to others.


Scouting in general

Scouting is a worldwide youth development organisation for boys and girls up to the age of 18. Most Scouting events are organised by the Scouts themselves, or by adult leaders, called Troop Scouters. These events include camping, hiking, community service, water skiing, and other exciting activities.

Scouting teaches many skills such as leadership, time-management and organisational skills, social skills, how to be part of a team, first aid, survival, cooking, and many other useful human and practical skills. No matter what trying conditions are faced, a Scout will know how to take care of himself or herself. Scouts develop strength, confidence, and good judgement.

An example of how a typical activity might be run is as follows: scouts will go to camp for a weekend. The Patrol Leader of each group will delegate jobs to each scout in order for the campsite to be build, along with campsite gadgets. They might then go for a swim or play a game. The next day they might build a bridge across a small stream out of wooden poles and ropes. The scouts will go for a short hike in the afternoon. And so on...

Typically Scouts meet every Friday evening (we meet on a Thursday), and do their hiking and camping activities on weekends. Weekly meetings usually consist of games, learning skills, and doing team-building and skill-building activities. The weekend activities also include competitions, where different groups compete against each other in different activities.

During your scouting career, you will advance through five levels until you become a Springbok Scout. The Springbok Top Award is the highest achievement a scout can hope for, and helps greatly with bursary applications at universities, and job applications in the workplace.

For more information on scouting, visit the "links" page, which will show you the way to the Scouts South Africa, and to the World Scout Organisation. Alternatively, visit the "contact us" page to contact us directly for more information.


Our Scout Troop

9th/16th Cape Town is a result of the joining of 9th Cape Town (which started in 1936) and 16th Cape Town (which started in 1945). We currently have grounds in Homestead Park, on Upper Orange Street. It is a nice area with a park and trees.

9th/16th Cape Town is a small, but steadily growing Scout Group in the Cape Western region, South Africa. Our troop is a mixed gender troop, consisting of three patrols of about 7 scouts each. We have a great group of adult Scouters, who are always keen to set up the best program for the scouts, all year round.

You may be interested in reading an article about the history of our Scout Group.